Services by Darci Barman, MSN, RDN, LD in Spokane Valley, WA

Nutrition Consultation

One-on-one nutrition counseling in our Coeur d’Alene center to help you achieve your health goals and prevent or manage chronic conditions. Nutrition consultation includes initial assessment, priority and goal management, treatment plan, and recommendations for potential diagnostic or supplemental support.
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Weight Management

Learn why yo-yo dieting is detrimental to your health and how you can achieve sustained weight loss. At Pilgrim’s Wellness Clinic, we use diagnostic testing to determine the underlying causes of stubborn weight loss by working together with osteopathic and naturopathic medicine. We also perform body composition analysis, which plays a vital role...
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Body Composition Analysis

In a quick, 15-minute appointment, we can use bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) equipment to measure your body-fat percentage, lean body mass percentage, weight, BMI, resting metabolic energy requirements and visceral fat (an important biomarker of chronic stress, inflammation and improper fat storage). Measurements are compared to age and ...
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Personalized Grocery Store Tours

Schedule a personal, customized tour of Pilgrim’s Market whatever your health goal. Learn how to design a healthy grocery store list for Celiac disease, gluten intolerance, weight loss, a leaner body composition, non-GMO, organic or environmentally friendly. Discover new foods, learn how to prepare them and ask the questions you’ve always been t...
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Real-Foods Detox

Detoxification of the body can help reset a sluggish, worn-down body to a more energized state. Eliminating harmful toxins and reviving up detoxification pathways leads to better digestion and metabolism, helping us sleep better, have more energy, lose weight easier, reduce body aches/pains, prevent chronic diseases, and improve our overall qual...
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Diagnostic Testing

Diagnostic testing can help a registered dietitian nutritionist better pinpoint the cause of underlying health issues. For example, we know spinach is a healthy food, but for some, the body may be producing antibodies (an autoimmune reaction) against it and drawing inflammation to the gut. Other times, symptoms such as fatigue, muscle spasms and...
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Micronutrient Testing

Did you know that many common ailments are just symptoms of underlying micronutrient deficiencies? For example, hypertension, depression, anxiety, fatigue - all associated with deficiencies in micronutrients.

What are micronutrients? Micronutrients are the foundation of your health. They are ESSENTIAL to your day-to-day bodily functi...
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