Jeffrey Albright, DC, DAAMLP, FIAMA, FAAIM, DACNB(c),


Bellingham, WA

Integrative Health Bellingham has implemented the paradigm shifting model of healthcare. We combine Chiropractic Neurology, Clinical Neuroscience Based Rehabilitation, or Brain Based Therapy, Chiropractic Care, Physical Rehabilitation,Functional Neurology, Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine protocols in an effort to rehabilitate a wide range of neuromusculoskeletal conditions.

Listed below are some of the most common conditions that patients present with to our office. Treatment plans for each individual are created to address the musculoskeletal components and effects of these conditions. Click on a condition to learn more about it.

Auto Injury Recovery
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Dizziness & Vertigo
Headaches & Migraines
Low Back Pain
Restless Leg
Shoulder / Arm Pain
Weight Loss
Work Injury
Systems based categories of symptoms links below.

The modern mainstream media is starting to realize the importance of the brain, and terms such as brain based, neuroplasticity, neuraxis, neuropsychoimmunology, etc are becoming mainstays of our conversations.

The brain is not hardwired as once thought. It is not a static. The brain is plastic. It is dynamic. It changes over time and can be updated like software based upon the inputs it receives. Every human action and behavior involves feedback and a recalibration component. The brain uses the acceleration of gravity as a standard of reference as well as feedback from the senses (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory, motor, and secondary systems to perform the complex operations required in reading, writing, arithmetic, sports, playing music, etc. In other words, a person’s ability to learn is directly proportional to their ability to process vestibular information effectively.

Therefore, activities that promote improved balance and spatial awareness have a tremendous effect on “higher” brain functions like reading, comprehension, memory, mathematics and problem solving. All human beings have innate weaknesses or inefficiencies in our vestibular system or the brains processing of such information. Thoughts, Traumas and Toxins interfere with proper brain function and cause an increase in dysfunction, sometimes called a physiological lesion or soft lesion. A hard lesion would be a tumor or a brain bleed, while a soft lesion is much like a computer virus or bug. These source of these interferences can be physical, chemical or emotional stresses such as; emotional traumas, toxins in our environment, sedentary lifestyle, auto accident injuries, bumping your head, slip and fall, sports injuries, work injuries or simply a diet lacking nutrients or malabsorption. Brain dysfunction manifests over our lifetime and prevents the brain from have a proper centrally integrated state, or a perception which differs from reality which causes stress. A dysfunctional vestibular system interferes with optimal expression of our human potential, which can effect all aspects of our life including our ability stand upright, perform athletic activities, and enjoy our intellectual life.

In summary, our connection to and relationship with the physical world is due to gravity and perceived through our brain, specifically the vestibular system. Essentially we live our lives through the central nervous systems. Our brain functioning optimally is required for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic messages to be organized and integrated. In modern computer terms, garbage in, garbage out. If the vestibular system is not functioning optimally, the interpretation of the sensory messages to it will weaken higher order cognitive function. Motion stimulates and calibrates the vestibular system. Motion excites the lower brainstem where both visual and auditory messages integrate with messages from muscles and joints. By performing eye movement exercises, you can increase the efficiency of the entire brain. Eye exercises can reorient and calibrate the brain to gravity. By performing eye movement exercises and doing vestibular training you can actually change the brain’s chemistry and function. The brain is the only organ that is self correcting, as it is plastic and learns from past experience.Functional Neurology and brain rehabilitation optimizes every aspect of neuroplasticity and helps form new neuronal networks

Auto Injury Treatment

Traumatic Brain Injury

Musculoskeletal Pain

Neurological Disorders

Movement Disorders

Learning Disabilities

Developmental Disorders

Mood Disorders

Metabolic Disorders

Endocrine Disorders

Immune Disorders

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