Mobility Scooters for Rent and Sale | Mobility Scooters Tri-Cities | Densows Medical Supplies


Densows Medical Supplies in Richland, WA sells and rents and repairs mobility scooters. We have a very large inventory for you to choose from. We have 3 and 4 wheel models. Standard and Heavy duty. We carry Pride, Drive and Invacare Mobility Scooters. We are able to bill medicare and insurance for these. Stop in and let our experts fit you into your new scooter.
Pride Mobility Scooters
Victory® 10
Victory® Sport
Pursuit® XL
Sport Rider
Pursuit® Sport 36 Volt
Go-Go Elite Traveller®
Go-Go Elite Traveller® Plus
Go-Go® Ultra X
Go-Go® Sport
Go-Go® LX with CTS Suspension
Go-Go® ES 2
Go-Go® Folding Scooter

Drive Mobility Scooters
Spitfire Scout 3 Wheel Travel Power Scooter Model # SFSCOUT3
Spitfire Scout 4 Wheel Travel Power Scooter Model # SFSCOUT4
Spitfire Scout DLX 3 Wheel Compact Travel Scooter Model # SFSCOUTDLX3
Spitfire Scout DLX 4 Wheel Compact Travel Scooter Model # SFSCOUTDLX4
Spitfire EX Travel 3-Wheel Mobility Scooter Model # SPITFIRE132016FS12, SPITFIRE132016FS21
Spitfire EX Travel 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter Model # SPITFIRE142016FS12, SPITFIRE142016FS21
Phoenix 3 Wheel Heavy Duty Scooter Model # PHOENIXHD3
Phoenix 4 Wheel Heavy Duty Scooter Model # PHOENIXHD4
Bobcat X Transportable Scooter Model # BOBCATX3
Bobcat X Transportable Scooter Model # BOBCATX4

Steps that must be followed in order for Medicare to cover a power wheelchair or scooter.

Step 1

Visit with your physician for a face-to-face examination and discuss your mobility options. Medicare now requires a face-to-face examination with your physician prior to writing a prescription for a power mobility device.

During your exam, your physician must first consider the use of cane, walker, and manual wheelchair before considering a scooter or power wheelchair. If your physician feels that your mobility needs must be resolved with a scooter or power wheelchair, this must be supported in your medical records and a prescription can be written. A Physical Therapist or Occupational Therapist may also conduct an additional assessment if your physician deems it necessary.

Step 2

Have your physician fax or mail the written prescription and medical records to Densows Medical Supplies. Densows must receive the written prescription and supporting documentation (medical records) within 45 days from the date of your face-to-face examination.
Once received, Densows Medical Supplies will work with you and your physician to determine the appropriate scooter or power wheelchair model for your needs.

Step 3

Densows Medical Supplies will conduct a home assessment to ensure that you have adequate access and maneuverability space.
The primary reason for a power mobility device is to compensate for your mobility limitations within your home and your ability to perform activities of daily living including toileting, grooming, bathing, dressing and eating. Therefore, it is critical to determine if your home environment will support the use of a scooter or power wheelchair.

Step 4

Densows Medical Supplies will order the power mobility device prescribed by your physician or treating practitioner, deliver it to your home and instruct you on how to operate it. Delivery of the scooter or power wheelchair must be no more than 120 days following your face-to-face exam.

Densows Medical Supplies is a Medicare Accredited provider of medical supplies and healthcare equipment. We are also accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics. Services are provided in the Tri-Cities and the surrounding area including Richland, Pasco, Kennewick, Benton City, West Richland, Prosser, Sunnyside, Grandview, Burbank, Finley, Granger, Toppenish, Zilla, Wapato, Yakima, Walla Walla, Othello, Connell, Mattawa, and Yakima.

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