Procedures performed by Christopher Slack, MD in Fort Pierce, FL


As people grow older, the skin of the face begins to wrinkle and sag, with the help of gravity and time. Exposure to the sun, genetic influences and other factors can contribute to the effects of aging. A facelift can correct these conditions and give people a more youthful appearance. This procedure involves the tightening of facial and neck sk...
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Facial implantation

Facial implantation is the placement of synthetic non-absorbable materials tailored to augment the cheek bones or jawline. Typically, these are placed to provide more prominent cheekbones or a more angular jawline. The implants are placed directly over the bone underneath the soft tissue envelope.
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Skin reconstruction

Skin cancer is most typically managed surgically with excision and simultaneous reconstruction. Often, this procedure is performed in the office with a pathologist on-site to provide immediate feedback on the lesion and the adequacy of the resection prior to the defect’s reconstruction. More complex cases may require staged reconstruction. Dr. S...
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Eyelid surgery

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid tucks, are very common in patients over 40. This is a procedure to remove fat, along with excess skin, from the upper and lower eyelids. Eyelid surgery can correct drooping upper lids and the puffy bags under the eyes – features that make you look older and more tired than you feel.

The effect is to give the ey...
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A forehead lift or “browlift” is a procedure that restores a more youthful, refreshed, and cheery look to the forehead, eye brows and upper eyelid areas. By removing excess skin and muscle, the procedure corrects drooping brows, improves the horizontal lines and furrows that can make you look angry, sad or tired, and tightens the skin of the upp...
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One of the most common plastic surgery procedures, rhinoplasty is performed to reshape, reduce or augment a person’s nose, remove a hump, narrow nostril width, change the angle between the nose and the mouth, or to correct injury, birth defects, or other problems that affect breathing. Rhinoplasty is usually an outpatient procedure performed und...
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Otoplasty is performed to set back a person’s ear which is too prominent or misshapen. This procedure is normally performed on children, although it is not uncommon for adults to have this procedure. The minimum age is 5 years. The recovery period for both children and adults is 5-7 days. Otoplasty in the child is often covered by health insurance.
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Chin augmentation

Chin augmentation is the placement of a tapered prosthetic material to project the chin. This is done for the underprojected chin often in conjunction with rhinoplasty to improve the profile view. Chin augmentation may also be performed to re-establish the jaw line to hide skeletal deficiencies associated with aging when performing a facelift.
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Genioplasty is the alteration of the chin for cosmetic purposes. Usually the chin is advanced by breaking the bone and plating it into a more projected or prominent position. This is particularly useful in under-projected chins or in those individuals who desire to avoid chin augmentation with prosthetic materials. Occasionally the chin is alter...
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