What should I do before my first acupuncture visit?

If you have never had acupuncture before, here are some tips to help you feel more comfortable before your first visit.

- Be sure to eat something light an hour or two before treatment. Try to avoid arriving on an empty stomach or after a large meal.

- Try to avoid the intake of caffeine and pain medication for a few hours before you arrive.

- Wear loose comfortable clothing.

- Write down any questions you may have for the doctor.

Click here to learn about the first visit.
6/9/2009 10:53:34 PM
Written by Primavita
I am a licensed, board certified naturopathic physician and acupuncturist in the Greater Seattle Area. I love herbs, flowers and learning more about people’s life stories, as we all have things that we can learn from one another. I feel blessed that nature can always help us reconnect with what really matters.
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