The Power of Words and Their Impact on Your Health

Speak life. What do I mean by speak life? Well, the power of words in our life is amazing.  And the sheer amount of words we speak each day points to a lot of those words being casual and even careless.  But what is the real impact of our words?

Of course we have all been the recipient of words that cut us, hurt our feelings and even could make us bitter toward the one who said them - even if to them it may have been one of those careless or thoughtless times of speaking.  But we felt real pain and sensitivity about the words spoken to us. Or maybe we were the one speaking them to another and now find that we are unable to undo the pain.  Those words had impact.   

On the other side we have all been the giver or receiver of words that complimented another, or built us up - like "good job!" The feeling we experience is a little high, happy, satisfaction and brings us momentary joy. Now which would you rather be participating in - making someone feel sadness or joy? I hope you said joy. :) And this is what I mean by "speak life."

The Bible said that the power of life and death are in the tongue. That's a lot of power. Another source of the power of words is a somewhat famous researcher Professor Marsura Emoto.  He did some pretty amazing experiments with water and words

Since the human body is somewhere between 70-80% water, what impact do words have on the water in our bodies, let alone our feelings? Perhaps you've never really looked at it like that before. But if you're like me, you have many years of habits in your speech patterns and might struggle to change them. I try to be positive and sometimes end up feeling fake. I think, does all this positivity really matter? The answer is yes, yes and yes!  When I speak positively about something, or to someone, I can often see the benefit right before my eyes.  They might smile, or say "thank you." Sometimes people don't know how to receive a positive word and they run for cover.  But even if they are unable to receive, your effort in speaking positively - or speaking life - affects you! You start to feel good about doing the right thing. And by feeling good about ourselves we begin a chemical cascade of changes in our body and brain that contribute to health and healing.  Check our Dr. Caroline Leaf's website for much more about how the brain can change.  

The point is we have the choice to speak life or to tear down with our words. It affects the health of those we are talking to and ourselves on 3 levels -  body, mind and spirit. So speak life! 

7/25/2018 7:00:00 AM
Mary Beshara
Written by Mary Beshara
I'm a Clinical Nurse Specialist with a passion to help people get and stay well. I use multiple modalities such as Integrative Medicine approaches, herbals, nutrition, aromatherapy, integrative imagery, reflexology and others. I approach health and healing from a body, mind and spirit (Christian) perspective.
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