How to Think Yourself into Vibrant Health

You're probably aware of the low nutritional value of junk food.  But did you ever consider the harm that "Junk Food Thinking" can produce in your entire body?

"Positive emotions have been linked with better health, longer life, and greater well-being in numerous scientific studies," reports Harvard Health Publications. Therefore, it's vital to your overall health plan to pay attention to the quality of the thoughts you are thinking. Most people never learn how to direct and control their thoughts, but once you understand the concept, you can improve every aspect of your well-being.   

What Is "Junk Food Thinking"?

We become what we think about. Just like regular junk food, Junk Food Thinking has little nutritional value and lacks vibrancy. Significantly, negative thoughts make you feel bad—that feeling, often ignored, is an indication from your inner being that you are focusing on thoughts that will produce unwanted results in your life.

For most people, feeling bad is such a common condition that it seems to be a normal part of life. But, it's not natural! if you are tired of feeling upset more often than not. Take back your power to think yourself into vibrant health and wellness.  

Pay attention throughout the day to what you are thinking. Notice how you're feeling. If you feel upset, get curious about what you've been thinking over the past few hours or days. Your emotions will always track back to the originating thoughts. Once you realize you were mulling over something unpleasant, or imagining a worst case scenario, simply shift those thoughts. Envision what you would prefer to experience instead. Your happier emotions will tell you that you're on the right track.

Mental Pest Infestations

Have you ever opened a package of rice, flour, or pasta, only to find that it was infested with pantry pests?

What are you doing to guard your thoughts from mental pests like worry, doubt, indecision, fear, and procrastination? Do you allow anxiety to burrow into your mind and take up residence? If so, start noticing what you are noticing. Turn your attention toward your desired results, instead of accepting the random dis-ease that undisciplined thoughts engender.

Stale Thoughts

Habits can be useful for repetitive tasks like getting dressed, fixing a meal, using the computer, driving a car. However, problems arise when we let non-productive beliefs and ideas take charge.

Those habits are stale thoughts like: I'm just never going to be happy and successful; I try again and again  to lose weight but it's useless; No matter what I do, I get every cold and flu that's going around; Others in my family get heart disease (or cancer or…), and so I probably will, too.

If you are in the habit of critical or negative self-chat, make a decision to replace that habit with more harmonious thoughts about yourself and others.

Put Your Thinking on a Junk-Free Diet

It doesn't cost anything to change your thoughts. Shifting to positive ideas can enrich your life with better health, happier moods, and more productive results. 

Raise your hand, and say this out loud:  "I, (your name), commit to releasing my old Junk Food Thinking. From now on, I intend to focus on thoughts that match the nature of my desired results."

Align Your Thoughts with Vibrancy

It takes practice and persistence, but you can shift toward more empowering thoughts. Move away from the Junk Food Thinking habit, and begin attracting vibrant health. Try it out, and let me know how things start changing in your life.

Evelyn Roberts Brooks is a bestselling author, speaker and transformational life coach.  Go to to enjoy over 400 free articles, free webinar invitations and to receive your free 3-Way Guilt & Stress Busters gift collection. To learn more about W.A.I.T. and other tools for working in harmony with the universal laws, see her book, "You Were Born to Triumph: Create a Five-Star Life in Your Quantum Kitchen."  Visit for your free parenting workshop video gift, "The Secret to Family Harmony, " and articles about raising great children and enjoying a happy family life. 

8/26/2014 7:00:00 AM
Evelyn Brooks
Written by Evelyn Brooks

Thanks for your article. I found it to be on target with my perception of the power of thoughts. I would add, though that just broad stroke declarations that I will replace stale and negative thoughts with positive ones has never done anything for me. What works for me is replacing negative thoughts with an extremely specific visualization or an extremely specific action statement to myself that I will do in real time...such as I'm going to surprise my husband and make his favorite meal tonight. Such a specific action thought then forces all other negative thoughts away because my mind is then busy with the details of accomplishing the dinner and there's no room in there for junk. It may sound too simplistic and trite but it works for me.
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