Blaine Searcy

Blaine Searcy
Massage Therapy By Blaine & Company 12815 Emerald Coast Parkway West Destin, FL 32550
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Consumer Feedback

(13 Reviews)
5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
5 star average for Expertise
4.5 star average for Staff
4.5 star average for Recommended
5 star average for Value
Would you recommend this provider to others?
Is this business in a safe neighborhood?
Yes, it was in a safe enough neighborhood
Does this provider ever overbook appointments here?
Never! They have lots of business, but they do such a great job of never overbooking.
Was there annoying music playing while you waited or during your visit?
No, if they had music on it was very soothing
by Anonymous
April 14, 2011
One thing I noticed about their office was how absolutely fantastic it smelled. They must clean or sanitize all the time. Their office was one of the quietest, most peaceful places I've ever visited. I was able to relax very easily. I loved that they just let me take a nap and relax during my massage, and didn't constantly try to make conversation. I got a massage to relax, and I appreciated that they let me do that.
by Anonymous
April 04, 2011
Blaine is a very knowledgable therapist in his field! The massage session decreased my back pain and allowed me to relax at the same time. He proved to be a skilled therapist and i would recommend him to anyone!!! i would rate the session as a 5/5 definately!
by Anonymous
June 26, 2010
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