Tagged as work life balance

The work environment may be more important than the job itself. Think about it: Have you ever worked somewhere that you loved the people and the place but hated the tasks? Working in a great environment can make even the worst jobs bearable. But when the environment is toxic or unhealthy, it can be both mentally and physically dangerous. Here’s how. What Makes a Work Environment Unhealthy? - Work environments...
September 30, 2023
Burnout is a workplace epidemic, affecting 67% of employees, as reported by -CNBC. Approximately one-third of those report that they experience burnout always or most of the time. And the number only continues to rise, which has prompted the -World Health Organization- (WHO) to designate burnout as an “occupational phenomenon” on its International Classification of Diseases. The WHO classified burnout...
February 17, 2022
Times have changed. Where home offices weren’t terribly common even a few years ago, 2020 saw -42% of US workers- making their living from home. The situation might work well for many of us. What's not to love? Attending meetings in pajama pants and having your dog as your new office assistant. But it also creates some issues that may affect our mental health. Spending too much time between the same...
March 4, 2021
According to the -Bureau of Labor Statistics-, workers change jobs so often that the median tenure at any given company is approximately 4 years. The days where workers work at one or two jobs in their lifetime is over. The reasons why people leave are endless. Some are trying to advance their careers, while others are fed up with their jobs. In some cases, boredom is the root cause. You may feel similarly....
February 27, 2020
Stress can wreak havoc on our wellbeing and peace of mind. It can even make us physically sick. Unfortunately, Americans are super stressed out. But why? According to -Thrive Global-, around 25% of people say that work is their biggest stressor. But what if most people bring this stress upon themselves by holding unrealistic beliefs about work? For example, many people think they’ve failed if they...
November 20, 2019
Work is an unavoidable part of life for most of us, and those with a full-time job are spending a good chunk of their days locked in the dance of needing money versus having a life. Sometimes that dance gets tiresome and feels as though the grind is sucking us dry. Work can sometimes be a drag, but if it feels like a waste of life, it might be time to make a change or two. Consider any unique contributions,...
November 12, 2019