Tagged as Wellness Tip

Wellness Tip:- Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) steals vision, but may be prevented by diet. Simple but effective nutritional changes can substantially lower risk. Carotenoids are phytochemicals found in certain fruits and vegetables. The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin accumulate in the eye as macular pigment to preserve visual acuity. The more lutein and zeaxanthin in your eyes, the less...
April 29, 2020
Wellness Tip:- Look to your spice rack for relief from osteoarthritis pain. They block the release of the neurotransmitter Substance P, which inflames joints and transmits pain impulses. Sprinkle cayenne into food dishes or apply it to painful areas with a capsaicin cream containing cayenne extract. Cook with fresh ginger root or take a ginger supplement— up to 2 grams per day in divided doses. Turmeric...
April 15, 2020
Wellness Tip:- According to Japanese researchers, coffee naps improve alertness quickly. Most people experience a period of drowsiness at some point during the day. A coffee nap, which combines having a cup of coffee with napping for 20 minutes or less, has proven more effective than merely implementing one of the solutions alone. Scientists recommend drinking the coffee quickly to hasten the effect...
March 18, 2020
Wellness Tip:- Cardiologists from the University of Maryland Medical Center believe that -laughter helps your heart. Laughter helps increase blood flow, lower stress hormones and improve our immune system. Stress and inflammation in and around our inner blood vessels (endothelium) can lead to heart attacks and strokes. But when we laugh our body releases beta-endorphins; this causes our inner blood...
May 15, 2019
#1. Happiness Isn't Just in Your Mind - Our mental health and happiness are more closely connected to our physical health than you might think. When we don't feel well physically it's hard to feel well mentally. Exercise, sleep and eating well appear to have a drastic effect on mental health and happiness. If you knew for certain that exercise, sleep and eating well could reduce depression better than...
January 9, 2019
Wellness Tip:- When trying to lose weight, low-calorie diet soda may seem like a good beverage option. If the consumption of artificial chemicals doesn't dissuade you in its own right, consider this: Those who opt for a diet soda often consume more overall calories. You may think you have some leeway, but if you are not careful you can easily exceed any calories saved with your food intake. Artificial...
January 4, 2019
Wellness Tip:- You may be puzzled to read an entry about love under Wellness. But your emotional life is every bit as important to your overall well-being as your heart or blood pressure. In fact, your emotional state may be the greatest influence upon your overall physical health. Much has been written about stress being a detriment to good health; but not much has been said about how positive feelings...
January 3, 2019
Wellness Tip:- High protein-low carbohydrate diets have come a long way from frying a pound of bacon in butter for breakfast and eating a whole package of hot dogs for lunch. Today's approach features fresh, non-starchy vegetables and lean meats. This approach switches the body's fuel from glucose to fat. Although weight loss is often rapid, it is safe and permanent. Eating low carb can also stabilize...
January 27, 2015
Wellness Tip:- With today's hurried lifestyles, people often fail to eat enough real nutrient-dense food. The reality is that most of us are living with micronutrient deficiencies and imbalances which lead to a myriad of health issues. Even if you do eat reasonably well, you can still struggle to get the nutrients you need from anything grown in modern day nutrient-depleted soils. Taking supplements...
January 21, 2015
Wellness Tip:- Iron deficiency anemia occurs when your body is low on iron. Women who have borne children or are currently pregnant are especially at risk. A simple blood draw will tell your doctor what your iron levels are and then he or she can direct you on how to bring your levels back up. Iron-rich diets are usually the best way to increase the iron in your blood, but supplements can also help....
January 11, 2015