Tagged as Vegetarian

We live in a society of food excess, where people have been trained to overeat since childhood. In our society, most people overeat routinely. This is fairly obvious since more than two-thirds of adults in this country are overweight or obese....many people cannot even tell when they are truly hungry. Overeating is so deeply ingrained that many people cannot even tell when they are truly hungry. For...
March 2, 2024
Want Beautiful, Healthy Skin? Eat Your Vegetables! - Potions, paints and powder are no substitute for a healthy diet. Have you ever noticed that the most coveted style for models and celebrities is a “no-makeup” look? Except for special occasions, like runway or awards shows, most strive to look natural, refreshed and flawless. In our culture, there is a huge emphasis placed on dewy complexions, smooth,...
April 4, 2023
Joel Fuhrman, M.D., is a family physician, the author of five New York Times best-selling books, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing and the founder of the -Eat to Live Retreat- in San Diego, CA. He is a specialist in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods. Through his retreat, books, television appearances, and popular lecture series, Dr. Fuhrman...
May 20, 2022
How Healthy Are Mushrooms? - Mushrooms are an essential food for health. I include them in my diet every day as they offer powerful nutritional benefits. Mushrooms offer tremendous powers to enhance our immune system function. They are a superfood; one of the most health-promoting foods on the planet. By including mushrooms among other nutrient-dense, plant-rich foods, you will make your diet extremely...
April 17, 2022
Why Sunday is Definitely Soup Night -In my house, Sunday is Soup Day. Almost every Sunday I make a huge pot of vegetable bean soup. It is a convenient way to do two important things: make sure that I have a reliable meal on weeknights when I am tired after working all day, and it ensures that the quick, handy meal that I am relying on is nutritious and filling. I use that soup for several days to limit...
September 10, 2021
Going vegan can be a big shift if you're eating the standard meat-heavy American diet. When you consider the sheer overwhelming number of things that contain dairy, well, it's enough to daunt even the most dedicated diet changer. Even things like spending time with family and friends, or going out to eat, may need to change. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But there are some other things to think...
August 4, 2020
A -Nutritarian- diet-style is designed to be nutrient rich, protective against disease, and longevity enhancing.  But, the most fascinating discovery is the same diet-style that can push the envelope of human longevity, is most effective for long-term weight loss. It is pretty tough to maintain a healthy weight if you always feel like eating more.  A recent study published in Nutrition Journal of 768...
June 25, 2020
I find that adults and children alike will always appreciate and gravitate toward any nutritious item on a buffet table if it looks inviting and tastes good.  Today, so many people understand that we are what we eat, and that if you want to look good, feel good and maintain excellent health, you must eat healthfully.  We excite all our friends and family when something so healthful, tastes great too....
June 9, 2020
Approximately 7.3 million Americans are vegetarians, with an additional 22.8 million identifying as vegetarian-inclined, according to the latest survey provided by - Vegetarian Times. And while being vegetarian poses many health and environmental benefits, it also poses some -risks. Not only do vegetarians have lower body weights and cholesterol levels, but they also have a lower risk of developing...
January 14, 2020
Food is such a prevalent part of our life and can affect our mood, time, body shape, and overall health. The choices are endless when it comes to what we put in our mouths, and for some that decision leaves meat out of the picture. People might make their plate based on religion, their health status, or as part of their environmental beliefs. Two types of eating have become popular meatless options,...
October 24, 2018