Tagged as Sleep Disorders

Chronic sleep deprivation may seem like a normal part of adult life, but it -may have a greater impact on our health than we realize. Researchers are finding that sleep deprivation can do far more than affect our concentration and work performance. Over the long-term, -not getting enough sleep can lead to a number of health conditions-, and it might even shorten our lives. Insomniac Nation - Between...
December 5, 2023
Do you know someone who loves the night? Maybe the sweet silence of 3 a.m. is appealing to them. Perhaps they work nights or study late. A Korean study- found a causal relationship between being a night owl and metabolic disorders. In addition, a -recent study conducted by the UK Biobank - sought to determine whether there could be a connection between sleeping schedules and mortality rates, and the...
October 12, 2023
Insomnia can spoil even the best of days, turning the night into a long and restless waste, sapping energy and making the next day a walking misery. Insomnia strikes about -25 percent of U.S. adults- each year, leaving a slew of -health effects- in its wake. Insomnia can make life difficult in so many ways, including what it can do to your waistline. Research shows regularly getting fewer than 7 hours...
October 5, 2023
Lights out! After a long day you meet your pillow for the usual sleep date. Unless you participate in a sleep study, you won’t have a specific idea of what you look like when you are sleeping.  However you definitely have preferences, tendencies and sleeping habits! This means sleeping positions become repetitive, and you tend to adopt certain postures.  What category do you fit into?  The stomach...
February 1, 2023
According to the -NHS-, the first step in treating insomnia is to "find out whether the problem is being caused by an underlying medical condition." Book an appointment with your GP to determine if your insomnia is the result of a medical condition or something less worrisome. Other causes of insomnia include high stress levels, depression and an overall negative sleeping pattern. It is worth trying...
April 28, 2022
Lack of sleep is a major health problem in this country. According to the CDC, almost 70 million people suffer from sleep problems. Sleepiness can lead to depression, obesity and even danger while driving. It's turning into a health emergency, but there's one solution that most people have never even heard about. If you're one of the millions of people suffering from insomnia, you've probably tried...
October 20, 2021
Humans might be the only creatures on Earth with such unpredictable sleeping patterns. Some people rise every morning at the crack of dawn, while others of us struggle to drag ourselves out of bed by noon. Night owl schedules aren't necessarily disordered, but their patterns can conflict with normal working hours, which may affect their ability to function in a world designed for early risers. Researchers...
July 2, 2021
Not much can disrupt a person’s day like a bad night’s sleep. According to the -CDC-, over 35% of adults fall short of the recommended 7 hours of sleep they should be getting each night, and the repercussions could be huge. So why are so many people failing to get enough sleep? A handful of common insomnia myths could be at least partially to blame. Myth: Alcohol Makes a Helpful Sleep Aid - Many of...
January 25, 2021
Roughly -37 million people- in the United States suffer from migraines, an often painful condition that can leave sufferers wiped out for days. Their frequency can depend on a number of factors, with one of the biggest being sleep. About half of all migraine sufferers report disrupted sleep as a headache trigger. Pinpointing Migraine Triggers - About -half- of all migraine sufferers report poor sleep...
June 3, 2020
Snoring is a common problem, affecting nearly -90 million adults- in the United States. Of those, approximately 37 million snore on a regular basis, a fact that could indicate a more serious problem or underlying condition, such as sleep apnea. Even if there isn’t a serious condition at play, snoring interrupts healthy sleep patterns, for both the snorer and their partner. Fortunately, there are things...
March 24, 2020