Tagged as Self Esteem

We all have internal perceptions of ourselves. Do you believe you're a good person? Do you believe you're attractive to others? But we tend to also believe these ideas aren't very malleable. Too often we think we're stuck believing whatever it is we currently believe. But that may not be true. And taking it in hand could be a real life-changer. Whether in your business or personal life, changing your...
February 20, 2023
Selfishness has a negative connotation in our culture; but it’s not selfishness, it’s a lack of empathy that hurts others. While I am no Ayn Rand acolyte, I do agree with her argument in “The Virtue of Selfishness.” Taking care of oneself is not only reasonable; it is necessary – necessary for survival. But our culture has placed a judgment on taking care of oneself – as if taking care of yourself,...
October 1, 2021
Most of us lose our groove at one point or another, and getting it back can — well, difficult. Problems at work, issues at home and even personal insecurities can take their toll, knocking down our self-esteem and making us feel bad about ourselves. Also, let's not dismiss how we may be feeling post-pandemic and the toll of the last year — some of us make jokes about being a "bucket of bog water" or...
May 25, 2021
If you asked 100 men what they look for in a woman, you may get 109 different answers. Some men like brunettes. Some like gracious women. Some like bold women. And we tend to think that all men prefer conventionally beautiful women. Yet if you ask a man who's currently in a relationship what's important in a mate, an important trend emerges. It turns out that being in a relationship with a woman who's...
October 15, 2020
Everything we do stems from our belief systems. Your self-image is responsible for all that you do. Take a step back and think about how you feel about yourself and then take note of how you live. Can you see how your deepest thoughts and feelings are reflective in your life experiences? - If you see yourself as “fat” then your body will manifest that which you believe, resulting in wanting to eat...
January 5, 2016
Dear James - I have recently left an abusive relationship. I am emotionally stuck, as I never have felt so much hate from another person before. I am getting older and want to know if there may be a healthy relationship in my future. Also, I want to grow spiritually so this never happens again. I want to create loving and healthy boundaries with my family and friends without feeling guilty if I do...
April 4, 2015
Like it or not, we live in a society that promotes superficial, unrealistic beauty ideals. That’s both good news and bad. The good news is that such a perspective creates lots of choices that can help you be your most healthy, best self. The bad news is that some people take it too far and try to conform to beauty ideals that are truly unrealistic and may actually harm their relationships, financial...
March 19, 2015
I've been thinking a lot lately about my previous career and how happy I am to have made the decision to leave it behind. I was very dissatisfied and unfulfulled in the Movie/Television production business in L.A. where I was an Assistant Director. As I look back on that - and my decision to leave it - it was kind of like "Career-Change Therapy." I credit my decision to leave to my therapist at the...
June 2, 2008