Tagged as Oral Hygiene

When I first heard about oil pulling, it sounded extremely bizarre to me. You swish oil around in your mouth? For 20 minutes? Every day? - I couldn’t understand why someone would do such a thing and more importantly, how someone could find the time to do such a thing. Then, I found a tiny cavity in my mouth. I also had gum recession, most likely from a mild form of -gum disease. I’d been to a dentist...
June 17, 2017
The connection between the oral health and overall wellness has been well researched and proven over many decades. Most patients will need some type of dental therapy at some point in their lives. The treatment becomes more intense if the patient exhibits signs of genetic predispositions, unfavorable oral habits or dental trauma. Certain therapeutic strategies are implemented by the dentist and his...
June 11, 2013