Tagged as messy

The bedroom is more than merely a place to sleep. It’s an extension of who we are, and what we do with it can have effects that go well beyond how often we get a solid 8 hours. It may even impact the most intimate areas of our lives. Here are five ways that can happen and ways to set it right. An Uncomfortable Bed - Whether the mattress is worn and creaky, the sheets are scratchy or it’s time to replace...
November 21, 2019
Our surroundings can have serious negative effects on our health and wellbeing. There are -25% of Americans- living in at least a moderate amount of clutter. But when that mess is in the bedroom, it offers a special kind of threat to our wellbeing. We spend -half our lives- in our bedrooms. A messy room can have a negative impact on both physical and mental health. The “background stress” that comes...
October 1, 2019