Tagged as Mental Illness

Most people have at least one friend or family member who suffers from a mental health disorder. Or maybe they are that person who has a mental illness. And if we love them, or are them, it's hard to think about the stigma that follows them around. Those who live with the stigma often have lives hard hit by misinformation, apathy and sometimes even downright cruelty. People with mental illnesses may...
April 2, 2021
This pandemic has thrown the entire world for a loop with its broad base of symptoms and unpredictable illness course. The more experts learn about it, the more incentive we all have to avoid catching it. But now we have people who have been struggling with COVID for many months, the so-called "long haulers" and as we work to help these people, we're learning a lot. Recent studies have uncovered a...
January 25, 2021
Nearly 20% of U.S. adults have an -anxiety disorder-, yet just over 1 in 3 of them seek treatment. Left untreated, anxiety can damage romantic relationships, friendships and careers. The good news? Many anxiety symptoms are manageable with learnable techniques and/or prescription medication. One little-explored type of treatment is to have a service dog. In fact, many people with anxiety have no idea...
October 17, 2019
Extreme mood swings are the common denominator when it comes to bipolar disorder. A person can shift from manic to depressive, causing seriously risky behavior. Happy to suicidal, changing from high to low, is not a way to live. Another term for this mental illness is manic depression. These mood changes also effect sleep patterns, thinking, and energy levels. The highs and lows are two “poles” of...
February 18, 2019