Tagged as Immune System

A recent systematic review of observational studies looked at the relationship between obesity and cardiometabolic disease. Researchers concluded those who ate full-fat dairy had -NO- greater risk for heart disease or diabetes than low-fat dairy eaters. The review, published in the -European Journal of Nutrition-, examined 25 studies, 18 of which found that - those who consumed full-fat dairy weighed...
April 20, 2022
Are you always reaching for the salt shaker at mealtime? Do you eat fast food or processed food? Do you eat out? If you answered yes, then you are likely one of the 90% of Americans who consume too much salt in their diet. 90% of us! So that's most of us. But at Wellness we're concerned about this because new research shows that while those delicious crystals might ramp up the flavor, they can have...
March 13, 2022
Immune system support is important all the time, but in the time of a pandemic, this is especially true now. Most of us are doing what we can to stay safe and healthy, but are there actions we can take to support our bodies that go beyond simply eating well and finding the discipline to exercise? Some herbs and vitamins could boost the immune system, giving the body its best shot at potentially fighting...
March 9, 2022
Body inflammation gets a lot of bad press, but these stories refer to chronic or excessive inflammation that causes health problems. There is also a good type of inflammation that occurs when a strong immune system responds therapeutically to an illness or injury. Beneficial inflammation is a survival tool the healthy immune system uses to differentiate a harmless substance from a harmful one called...
January 14, 2022
Our immune system is our defense system against illnesses. We're pretty defenseless against the winter crud on our own. Without the immune system, we would catch every cold, flu and infection that crossed our paths. And then we'd have them indefinitely — or die from them. In fact, a simple virus could take our lives if it weren’t for the valiant efforts of the immune system. That’s why it’s so important...
November 2, 2021
Most people in the United States don’t go around worrying about whether someone with a nearby cough has tuberculosis (TB). Most of us don’t consider ourselves as being at any risk at all. And while our chances are indeed low, they do still exist, and for some much more than others, even in the United States. In fact, 7-,163 people developed TB in the United States in 2020 (yes, even while we were all...
July 16, 2021
The world is a microscopic battleground, one we’re seemingly only aware of when our own bodies come under attack. It’s easy to take for granted all the work our immune systems do to keep us from falling victim to every dangerous microbe we come across. Whether it’s due to genetic conditions, infections or certain medical treatments, there may come a time for each of us when our immune system may no...
May 7, 2021
The old adage “the best defense is a good offense” has never been so true as during this anxious, unsettling period in our lives when it comes to safeguarding ourselves from the novel coronavirus that has disrupted daily life all over the world. At this crucial time, more than ever, it is vital to make sure you're eating right to bolster your immune system. What we eat has everything to do with our...
June 5, 2020
Elderberry is a go-to for many people when cold and flu season comes around. It has real -antiviral properties-, making it a genuine preventative for many strains of infections. But herbalists are sending out alerts to earn people because those same incredible properties could make elderberry treatments dangerous for some people suffering from COVID-19 infections. Elderberry can be a great flu preventative,...
April 6, 2020
Not much compares to falling in love. The world becomes a different place, and you may become a different person. Literally. According to a new study, falling in love can even cause physical changes in women. A recent study at UCLA revealed women undergo immunological changes when they fall in love. Researchers can still only speculate, but they believe the changes may be related to the body preparing...
February 15, 2019