Tagged as Healthy Living

In order to function properly, the human body needs water. Women need approximately -11.5 cups of fluids- per day, whereas men need about 15.5 cups. The water can come from many sources, including popular beverages, such as coffee and soda, and watery fruits and vegetables, like cucumbers and watermelon. But we definitely need it, and when we're drinking optimum amounts, we reap benefits. While it...
September 19, 2019
During the summer months, little compares to that sweet sweep of cool air blowing through the room, buffering against the heat. The right amount of air conditioning might even have some health benefits, but not in all cases. There are times when turning on an air conditioning unit could actually make us sick. A-ir conditioning offers several health benefits. A/C can reduce ozone and other particles...
September 17, 2019
When trying to get healthy, most people start with the basics, such as eating better, exercising and getting a full night’s sleep. The problem? Many ignore and even deprioritize the one healthy habit that could transform their lives and improve their well-being: spending time with friends and family. That’s right. Socialization offers -substantial health benefits. An active social life boosts mental...
September 11, 2019
Fresh air, sunshine and green space can do a lot for our health and well-being, says a brand new study. With demanding jobs and the distractions of indoor hobbies, like watching Netflix and scrolling through social media, it's easy to forget just how great it feels to step outside. Whether it's a long hike on the weekend or a few minutes each day strolling through a local park, immersing ourselves...
September 3, 2019
Parsley — it's the pretty green garnish that most people promptly remove from their plate or carefully eat around whenever they go out for a nice meal. But parsley is much more than a culinary decoration. It's a nutritional powerhouse that can deliver amazing -health benefits- when used in cooking instead of as a garnish. When incorporated into recipes, parsley is believed to deliver many health benefits....
September 3, 2019
According to the -National Institutes of Health-, approximately 41.6% of the US population has a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiencies can be linked to lower energy levels, and immune system function as well as a number of diseases, including multiple sclerosis, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) and cancer. Are you getting enough vitamin D for optimal health? - How the Body Makes and Uses Vitamin...
June 6, 2019
Animals have a way of bringing joy into our lives and making us smile, no matter your age. About half the households in the U.S. are pet owners because of this. The holiday season is the most popular time that pets are brought home as gifts. People are well-intentioned when they do this and need to remember it’s a big commitment and responsibility. Training, particularly for dogs, is important to bring...
September 30, 2018
According to Harvard University and other researchers, the government approved additive being used by most municipal water authorities is now officially classified as a neurotoxin that can cause long term brain damage. This -Harvard study- linked water fluoridation to a loss in IQ, stating that "fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain.” Animal...
June 22, 2018
The workplace hippie. The "overly" health conscious individual. The granola. The mediation junkie. These are all phrases I’ve heard being thrown around at work to describe those free-thinkers who aren’t quite content enough with typical rhythm of an office workplace. I am that person, and I am not ashamed! - I’ve decided to take the road to long term wellness, and I’ve found my route through mindful...
April 14, 2018
Access to germ-free and unpolluted water has always been important.  Most people know that. People know, for example, that contagious, microorganism-induced diseases were often the main cause of death before the 1900s.  They also probably know that water (as in the case of cholera, malaria, Schistosomiasis, Shigellosis, etc.) was often the medium that these microorganisms needed or used to spread themselves...
August 10, 2016