Tagged as Healthy Diet

Many of us are swayed by advertising. Commercials that show happy cows in a pasture, a package of beef that says “free-range” or “grass-fed”or “organically-raised:” it seems easy to make the right choices at the supermarket. We as consumers are convinced we know how to tell good food from bad food, best practices from worst practices, and healthy nutrition from the stuff that just mimics it. But is...
April 25, 2024
We live in a society of food excess, where people have been trained to overeat since childhood. In our society, most people overeat routinely. This is fairly obvious since more than two-thirds of adults in this country are overweight or obese....many people cannot even tell when they are truly hungry. Overeating is so deeply ingrained that many people cannot even tell when they are truly hungry. For...
March 2, 2024
Do you sometimes feel that your appetite is a bit out of control? That you can’t keep yourself from eating those comfort foods? Giving in to your cravings once every now and then is fine, but you need to realize that overdoing it coupled with a lack of exercise can lead to weight gain. If you think your appetite has spun out of control and that you can’t keep yourself from comfort foods, read on for...
December 21, 2023
Unless you were born prior to the mid-twentieth century, you've heard this warning all of your life: “Saturated fats are bad for you. They increase cholesterol and cause heart attacks." I sure did. My mother would only make us eggs for breakfast once a week because she didn't want the family to get clogged arteries. The house was filled with low-fat this and reduced fat that, diet this and sugar-free...
December 2, 2023
I frequently get invited to speak to students at school assemblies about nutrition. I really enjoy doing this because so often I find the diets of children lacking in the most fundamental elements of good nutrition. And too often our children are unaware of the impact they can have on their health by choosing better foods to eat. Years ago I published the following list, and sadly what I find is that...
October 24, 2023
Most people think the effects of age only set in at about mid-life. First you’re young, then you suddenly wake up with arthritic knees that can predict a coming storm. You fall asleep in a slightly wrong position and wake up with a back that hurts so much you can barely make it through the work day sitting at your desk. However, aging starts long before any external signs are apparent. It’s best to...
October 16, 2023
Looking to incorporate more fresh, healthy foods without spending countless hours in the kitchen every day? Meal prepping could be the solution. What if everything needed for meals was ready to go either already made so you can heat and eat or ready to cook so cooking time is minimized? There’s no one right way to do it, but here are a few tricks to save some time. Meal prepping can shave precious...
October 4, 2023
Losing weight and getting healthy doesn’t have to be complex. Purge your pantry of processed food, don’t use oils and stay away from sugary snacks and drinks. My rules to better health are uncomplicated and easy to follow. No need to measure food or count calories or points. Many people who follow my advice are pleasantly surprised at how uncomplicated my ‘diet’ can be. Here are my simple rules to...
September 20, 2023
High blood pressure is no joke. Nearly -one in three- U.S. adults suffer from hypertension, and only about half are able to keep theirs controlled. Several factors, such as obesity, tobacco use, inactivity and high alcohol intake, can contribute to higher readings, but diet is one of the biggest offenders. Check out this yummy list of foods that might help turn the tide. Diet plays a role in blood...
August 30, 2023
Nutritionists say that excluding grain products from the diet is not only useless but even dangerous. On the other hand, people who want to lose weight are still trying to stay away from them. But we have collected seven myths about grain products, which you should know. 1. Cereals contribute to weight gain. A study performed by Tufts University showed that whole grain - consumption helps to reduce...
April 29, 2023