Tagged as healthy

Many consumers shop for food without thinking too much either about food safety or the repercussions of eating things with long-term harmfulness.  Warning people about things posing immediate danger is generally well received and understood. But try telling people that glyphosate (the main ingredient in -Roundup- now found in increasing amounts in our food, beverages, and drinking water) -causes cancer. ...
September 2, 2023
It’s a choice - Physical activity is a behavior, meaning it is a choice to participate or not. For some, exercise has been a lifelong component of their daily routine. For others, the concept of physical exertion is not appealing. The exercise roller coaster that aims for consistency, can plummet from time to time even for the most avid gym-goer. One day “off” leads to another, time passes, body shape...
September 12, 2018