Tagged as Hashimoto's Disease

If someone isn't feeling quite right and has had no luck finding out why, the thyroid gland could be the culprit. Low thyroid, or -hypothyroidism-, is extremely common. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is a -condition where the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough important hormones. These hormones play a major role within our bodies, every single day, -regulating our metabolism, temperature -...
October 8, 2018
Roughly 1 in 8 women will acquire some kind of -thyroid disorder-, and 60% of them won’t even know it. With about 20 million people suffering from thyroid disease in the U.S. alone, an estimated 12 million Americans are unaware that they have a serious, even potentially life-threatening, condition. Are you one of them? - Are You at Risk? - Do you have a history of thyroid disease in your family? Or,...
January 21, 2018