Tagged as Genetics

If you've ever been to a campout with that one person who keeps swatting while others are relatively unbothered, or if you are that person, you've seen first hand that mosquitoes seem to prefer some over others. Researchers have long thought it might be blood type or pheromones that caused this preferential treatment. But new research implicates something else entirely. Why are Mosquitoes Drawn to...
August 3, 2021
Our genes determine everything from body type and facial features to hair and eye color. Experts once believed the genetics behind eye color was simple, with a small number of genes responsible for our many subtle differences. Now, they’re finding they’ve barely touched the surface. There may be several dozen distinct gene variations that can come together in different ways to affect both the color...
July 19, 2021
Humans might be the only creatures on Earth with such unpredictable sleeping patterns. Some people rise every morning at the crack of dawn, while others of us struggle to drag ourselves out of bed by noon. Night owl schedules aren't necessarily disordered, but their patterns can conflict with normal working hours, which may affect their ability to function in a world designed for early risers. Researchers...
July 2, 2021
Like something out of a science fiction novel complete with mad scientists, the world’s first designer children now live among us. A prominent scientist in China conducted the experiments in secret, revealing his breakthrough only after the first children, genetically altered twin girls, were born. Officials are condemning the work, citing multiple ethical violations, but the question still remains......
March 28, 2019
There are a number of factors that influence obesity. These include behavioral choices, environmental circumstances, and genetics. Genes don’t always predict someone’s future weight, but science has shown that genetics play a role in obesity. Genes increase a person’s susceptibility to become overweight, but this is not an isolated causality, due to behavior and environment. Take for instance the number...
January 24, 2019