Tagged as Gardening

Gardening has taken off since the pandemic hit. And the benefits are many and varied. From increasing curb appeal to bringing in healthy produce, this hobby benefits those who practice it in a number of healthy ways. 1. Gardening Helps Lower Blood Pressure - The exercise of gardening may help reduce high blood pressure. That's right, we called it exercise. The -National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-...
June 23, 2020
Everyone knows exercise is essential for good health. Unfortunately, some people don’t like to get active and it can be hard to get motivated to get moving. If you are one of these people then you need to consider activities that are fun and get you moving all at the same time. You need to be able to have fun and simultaneously give your body a workout. Consider the following activities and maybe you...
February 26, 2020
Growing a full, fruitful garden can take immense time and dedication. Not to mention, it can take years of practice to understand what types of plants are best in each climate, when to plant them, if they should be grown from seeds, etc. Luckily, some fruit, veggie, and herb plants actually grow well under almost any circumstances. Some plants are amazingly hearty and will bear produce all year round...
March 31, 2016
I don't get to write about starting a garden very often because the window for planting is very short in the Northeast.  Right now, as May rolls steadily in, if you haven't already planted lettuces, peas and greens, you might feel as if you are watching the ship sail away. Alas, there is still time for round two - the big guns - tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and such, which should be planted after all...
May 9, 2014