Tagged as Fat Burning

You're likely familiar with the consequences of a terrible night's sleep. You're cranky, feeling awful, and coasting on mammoth cups of coffee along with some high-sugar impact dessert masquerading as breakfast. "It's going to be one of those days," you reluctantly say late morning, assuaging your frustration with your coworker's homemade brownies. That miserable, out-of-whack feeling isn't just in...
October 11, 2021
"You have no idea how crazy my morning can be," someone recently wrote me. "With three kids, a husband who constantly loses his keys, plus some other minor catastrophe, I have absolutely no time to eat anything healthy." - She was referring to several studies I mention that show a -protein-rich breakfast- keeps you full, focused, and burning fat all morning. Trust me, I get the time crunch. Juggling...
September 29, 2021
Many adults squeeze in workouts throughout the day, but research seems to say that although this is better than nothing, it may limit fat-burning potential. Research- now indicates that people who exercise before breakfast shed twice as much fat as those who fuel up with food first. We'd all perhaps be better off if we maximize the benefits of any fitness routine by scheduling workouts before our first...
March 16, 2020