Tagged as dry skin

Humidity levels within most homes should hover between -30% to 50%. If the levels are too high, inhabitants could experience issues with mold and mildew. If it’s too low, their health may suffer. Therefore, it’s pretty important to maintain a comfortable humidity level in your home year-round. Generally, indoor humidity is higher in the summer and lower in the winter. If you use one, an air conditioner...
September 21, 2023
Eczema affects approximately -35 million- people in the US. The condition causes irritated, itchy and painful skin. Getting the condition under control isn’t always easy and living with raw irritated skin can be miserable. Although the best way to deal with the condition is to prevent flares from happening in the first place, it’s not always possible to avoid them. Know What Triggers Eczema - It’s...
May 11, 2020
How often are- yo-u washing your hands these days? Most of us have found ourselves hitting the sink or the sanitizer far more often than we used to, and some people are realizing how much damage all that scrubbing can do to their hands. Have your hands become dry, cracked or even started bleeding? Have you developed red spots or itchy patches? Most people are over-washing their hands to prevent the...
April 13, 2020
The winter brings dry, cold air that zaps skin of its moisture, leaving it feeling dry, rough and raw. Indoor heating can also be harsh, and, in some cases, maybe worse. We can also put common -winter habits o-n that list. Things like taking hot showers, wearing heavy clothing, drinking less water and indulging in holiday junk food, can also wreak havoc on skin. But we can tackle the problem s long...
January 3, 2020