Tagged as Divorce

Divorce is a loss. It is a loss of a relationship, of course, but it is also a loss of a dream you once held. It may be a loss of an identity. You may lose friendships and you’ll certainly lose money. But one of the other surprising things you lose in divorce is your sense of real clarity in your life. It’s like a fog has rolled in and you know the bridge is there connecting the life you had with the...
September 15, 2023
According to the Associated Press and the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 22% of men admit to cheating on their significant other, while 14% of women admit to infidelity. And according to a 2013 study referenced in the Huffington Post, women had more affairs in the past two decades than in previous years. Clearly, cheating on our partners is increasing and it’s becoming easier to do through...
October 2, 2020
I am a divorced mom, a former divorce lawyer and family court hearing officer, a- Certified Divorce Mediator and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. I've seen a lot when it comes to divorce. My hope here is that this article acts a roadmap for anyone thinking about a divorce, going through one currently, or has gone through a divorce and is still figuring out their new situation. Perhaps one of...
August 20, 2020
Divorce rates have declined, but the statistics are still startling. An estimated -39 percent- of marriages will end in divorce in the United States. This number seems high to me on one end. I know a startling amount of young people already going through a divorce. On the other hand, it seems normal. I know many more people that are married and have stayed married throughout the years - for better...
May 27, 2020
No one expects it to happen to them, but divorce strikes -up to half- of all marriages. The experience can be devastating on numerous fronts. You may feel challenged financially, emotionally, and even spiritually, depending on how entangled those aspects of your life were. The world may feel like it’s crumbling, and it’s okay to struggle while figuring it all out, but it’s also important during this...
April 29, 2020
Every divorce begins with an ideal vision of a better life. Underneath it’s usually colored by fear and anger but the gloss on the vision is love. People going through divorce are looking for love. Why else go through such an experience? In order to reach your ideal vision, we have to set the stage for your new life. Here are 5 unavoidable post divorce passages you need to face before you can get that...
February 21, 2020
The societal shame at the thought of divorce has lifted. Today, unhappy marriages can have an expiration date; just a few decades ago, they would have lasted for year after unhappy year. As a divorce mediator, I’m seeing couples in my practice who simply chose the wrong partner; they married in good faith and it didn’t work out… - …but far more often, I see marriages ending for reasons that could have...
May 15, 2019
Dating after divorce in the hopes of finding true love can be a difficult experience. It’s not just the fact that you’re older or nervous, tired of rejection and being pushed aside by so many options these days. No matter what you’re saying to yourself, anybody divorced, anyone dating a divorcé really, is riddled with a whole host of questions like a reporter sussing out a lead… “-What broke them apart?...
October 18, 2018