Tagged as body odor

Our scent can seem to say a lot about us, from what we’ve eaten to how often we bathe. But how we smell can also be indicative of how healthy we are. In some cases, body odor can even be a sign that something’s gone terribly wrong. Body odor can be a warning sign of serious disease. But how can we tell? Changes in the way we normally smell, as well as the scent of our breath and urine, can indicate...
May 22, 2024
If you've ever been to a campout with that one person who keeps swatting while others are relatively unbothered, or if you are that person, you've seen first hand that mosquitoes seem to prefer some over others. Researchers have long thought it might be blood type or pheromones that caused this preferential treatment. But new research implicates something else entirely. Why are Mosquitoes Drawn to...
August 3, 2021