Tagged as Blood Pressure

Regular blood pressure (BP) monitoring is a mainstay in catching certain forms of heart disease, such as -atherosclerosis. Many doctors encourage patients to have a good blood pressure monitor at home and to make regular use of it. Even done regularly, however, this practice can have its limits. Recent studies have shown we may get more out of our BP monitoring if we take some of those readings in...
March 24, 2021
We sometimes hear high blood pressure referred to as the “-silent killer.” That’s because -high blood pressure- often has no symptoms, despite -increasing our risk of heart attack and stroke. But few realize that low blood pressure can be just as deadly for some people. A new study has the details. Blood Pressure Guidelines Changed - Recently, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart...
November 3, 2020
The movies would have us think that being startled or a little angry might make our blood pressure rise to deadly levels. Which is obviously pretty false, or at least overblown, but if that's the case, where does high blood pressure actually come from? - We may have temporary blood pressure changes at intervals throughout our lives, such as higher blood pressure when we are frightened or stressed....
July 21, 2020
“If your blood pressure doesn’t come down, we’re going to have to send you to Tampa,” my OBGYN told me as I lay in a hospital bed during the 30th week of pregnancy. I looked at the doctor with a shocked expression on my face and told him, ”It’s too soon.” It wasn’t until that moment I really understood just how dangerous preeclampsia was. A note from our editor:- May is Preeclampsia Awareness Month....
May 19, 2020
Snoring is a common problem, affecting nearly -90 million adults- in the United States. Of those, approximately 37 million snore on a regular basis, a fact that could indicate a more serious problem or underlying condition, such as sleep apnea. Even if there isn’t a serious condition at play, snoring interrupts healthy sleep patterns, for both the snorer and their partner. Fortunately, there are things...
March 24, 2020
"Okay, take deep breaths," my mom used to tell me when I was scared. But I've also heard this advice given by doctors, friends, spouses, and anyone trying to help someone who is struggling. It turns out, this is solid advice — and it's not just a distraction technique, it's science. Taking slow, deep breaths can actually calm the brain when it goes into overdrive, and it can also help regulate other...
March 13, 2020
Body mass index- (BMI) can be a helpful tool in determining some aspects about health, but it has its limitations. The measurement isn’t always accurate about estimating weight, especially in individuals who are particularly muscular or lacking in muscle tone. BMI calculations aren’t very reliable when it comes to predicting diabetes and heart disease, either. There are much better measurements for...
March 4, 2020
The time of day -blood pressure pills- are taken could determine how effectively they work. In fact, research has found that taking hypertension medication at the proper time could dramatically decrease the risk of death, cardiovascular disease and circulatory issues. That’s right! Something as simple as changing the time of day of medication ingestion could vastly improve health outcomes and reduce...
February 24, 2020
Their deep, saturated red will make you sweat. Their thick stems are seductively plump. Their green, leafy tops are vibrant and tasty. What vegetable could we possibly be talking about? - The beet - Beets certainly don’t have a rep as the sexiest of all vegetables, but when you take their health benefits into account, they begin to look more and more attractive. These root vegetables have been around...
September 9, 2019
Arteries are responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. When you have healthy arteries, blood flows through the body quite easily. As you age, fatty deposits, cholesterol and cellular waste products settle on the inner walls of your arteries. Research shows that pomegranate can actually help clean your arteries helping to keep blood flowing smoothly. When arteries become clogged,...
June 22, 2018