Miraculous Benefits of Fresh Fruit

Miraculous Benefits of Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruits are one of the joys of eating. The delicious sweet succulent taste, beautiful variety of colors and exotic fragrance are all irresistible to the senses. Fruits are definitely one of the miracles of nature.

Fruits are also some of the healthiest foods that you can consume for strength, nutrition, cleansing and detoxification, and rebuilding the body from the inside out.

Here are the miraculous benefits of some common fruits:


great source of potassium which is necessary for healthy muscles
helps lower cholesterol
relieves and prevents constipation


prevents age spots and wrinkle

relieves diarrhea
great source of potassium
helps build size and strength for athletes


Good for Arthritis
Strengthens and cleans the blood vessels
Regulates blood sugar
Relieves many types of skin rashes


natural cure for Gout
Helps stop coughing
Antidote for food poisoning from eating spoiled seafood


Boosts digestion and eliminates indigestion
Helps with weight loss
Prevention of Heart Disease
Remedy for Allergies and Sore Throat


Use externally as a facial moisturizer
Benefits immune system
Helps lower cholesterol
Lowers Blood Sugar
Regulates Blood Pressure


Stops bleeding gums
Breaks up mucus congestion
Helps detoxify the liver
Heals sore throats


Helps break alcohol addiction
Helps to stop smoking
Benefits the digestion


Excellent diuretic to get rid of water retention
Cools the body and refreshing in hot weather


Stops stomach pains
Strengthens and heals the lungs
Good for memory
1/24/2008 2:00:59 PM
Bishara Wilson, M.S., L.Ac.
I extend my greetings to everyone who has taken the time to work to improve their lives by strengthening their health. My motto is "Health is Wealth". In a time where so much emphasis is placed on financial gain, people do not place the needed emphasis on the quality of their health. If you are not well, it ...
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What great information on the benefits of fruit, I know fruit is great for you, but it's nice to have an idea of what parts of the body each fruit is helping.
Posted by Mareesa
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