3 Natural Aphrodisiacs to Get You In the Mood


The Classic: Rose

There is a reason why the rose has been a symbol of romance and love for centuries. It is said that the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks used roses as a way to entice their lovers. Cleopatra, perhaps one of the most famous lovers of all, is said to have used rosewater to lure Mark Anthony.

Rose oil can be used in many different ways, but remember to use it sparingly. A little goes a long way with this potent scent. Try just a drop or two in your bathwater.

2/10/2018 8:00:00 AM
Janet Valenty
Written by Janet Valenty
Former medical technologist with extensive drug testing and clinical chemistry experience. Traded the white coat for a business suit as Director of Marketing of a leading clinical lab with two billion in revenues and left that way back in the 90's. These days, doing more reading and publishing when not chasing grandchild...
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