Posts by Wellness Editor

Our scent can seem to say a lot about us, from what we’ve eaten to how often we bathe. But how we smell can also be indicative of how healthy we are. In some cases, body odor can even be a sign that something’s gone terribly wrong.Body odor can be a warning sign of serious disease. But how can we tell? Changes in the way we normally smell, as well as the scent of our breath and urine, can indicate...
5/22/2024 4:00:00 AM
As reported by the University of Maryland Medical Center, back pain is the second leading cause for doctor visits, with up to 80% of adults in the United States suffering from this type of pain. Inflammation is a common cause for back pain. While inflammation is a natural response to disease or injury in the body, making small changes to your daily diet can help reduce this inflammatory response.....
5/1/2024 4:00:00 AM
Air hunger, the inability to breathe, is a frightening sensation experienced by a disconcerting number of people. Asthma can affect the ability to breathe by restricting airways. And it’s incredibly important to manage it properly. From using a peak flow meter to following an action plan, there are several ways to help keep asthma under control. Here are five asthma management tips. 1. Use a Peak Flow...
3/3/2024 5:00:00 AM
Most of us spend more time staring at a screen than we’d care to admit. It’s easy to do; devices have become a big part of our daily lives. Too much of a good thing is never good, however, and our phones and tablets are no exceptions. All that screen time could be taking its toll on our attention spans. Screentime has a Detrimental Effect on Children No matter their age, children need strict limits...
2/6/2024 5:00:00 AM
According to the World Health Organization, we should be eating "a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables per day." Although this, unfortunately, excludes starchy vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes, it is still a great health goal. Since most of us do not weigh our food for every meal, this recommendation can be hard to follow. All Those Fruits and Veggies Seem Hard to SwallowAs a result,...
1/14/2024 5:00:00 AM
New Year’s resolutions are a great idea... in theory. In practice, they’re not usually so great. How many of your New Year’s resolutions have been as life-changing as you’d hoped they’d be? How many did you actually follow through with? Sudden, drastic changes don’t tend to stick very well, making most resolutions a set-up for failure. Instead of making a yearly resolution, why not work toward real,...
1/6/2024 5:00:00 AM
Chronic sleep deprivation may seem like a normal part of adult life, but it may have a greater impact on our health than we realize. Researchers are finding that sleep deprivation can do far more than affect our concentration and work performance. Over the long-term, not getting enough sleep can lead to a number of health conditions, and it might even shorten our lives.Insomniac NationBetween 50 and...
12/5/2023 5:00:00 AM
Each year, countless people set their New Year’s resolutions. In 2020, the most common resolution was to exercise more. Eating healthy and losing weight came in third and fourth, respectively. That’s a lot of people starting something new, and many of them may not have any experience with exercise at all. So, what should you do if you want to get more active, even though you’re a newbie to the gym?...
12/3/2023 5:00:00 AM
As the cool, brisk winds start rolling in, so do, invariably, the sniffles and scratchy throats. But why does it feel like all the bugs seem to roll in like a fog as soon as cold weather hits? Does the cold really lower our immune resistance? We’re here to set the facts straight. Viruses Thrive in Cold, Dry Conditions So in some cases, the culprit really is the cold. Viruses appreciate cold, dry air....
11/30/2023 5:00:00 AM
We live in a fast-paced world, so it can be easy to ignore little pains or annoyances when they hit. Have a headache? Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Something feels off? Get to bed a little earlier and hope for the best. Small aches and pains are usually nothing to worry over, but there are some subtle symptoms we shouldn’t ignore. The key is knowing the difference.Dizziness can sometimes...
11/25/2023 5:00:00 AM