Can Your Diet Clear Up Your Skin?

Beauty is truly an inside out job. Sure it's great to maintain a solid skin care regimen: use a good cleanser, moisturize daily, apply the occasional mask, balance your skin's ph with a toner. However, none of these will make much of a difference when paired with a poor diet.

If you're experiencing a rough complexion despite taking good care of your skin, your diet maybe the real culprit. Read on to find tips and dietary options for eating your way to supple, beautiful skin.

3/6/2015 8:00:00 AM
Gwen Lewis
Written by Gwen Lewis
Gwen Lewis is a writer and makeup artist based in Southern California.
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I mostly agree. Greek yogurt is excellent for your skin and limit fruit due to the high sugar content. Get most of you antioxidants via veggies.
Posted by Mark
Gwen, what exactly are your nutrition credentials? I see you're a makeup artist. Do you have any real training and education in nutrition?

Advocating "getting rid of butter" is absurd. Saturated fat is healthy and good for the body. So is grass fed red meat (no need to limit it to once a week...where do you get this stuff?!).

Learn the facts about what really constitutes a "healthy" diet before spouting off old myths that have no scientific backing whatsoever (for your education, I suggest you google "Ansel Keys").

The myth that saturated fat (like butter and red meat) is "bad" has no factual scientific basis whatsoever.

Wendy Meyers
RN, Clinical Nurse Nutritionist
Men Only Weight Loss/ Just For Women Weight Loss
Houston, Texas
Posted by Wendy
You're saying to drink 8 glasses of water per day or 1/ hour and the very next article is warning of the life-threatening danger of doing just that! Please explain.
Posted by John Hannigan

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