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by Wellness Editor Do you (or someone you love) suffer from chronic back pain? Chronic back pain is common and many causes of back pain are actually preventable. Just one or two bad habits can take a massive toll on your back. See how these bad habits could contribute to back pain, and what you can do about it.Sitting or Standing All DayThere’s a good chance your job requires you to sit or stand for extended periods... 11/21/2023 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Have you ever been told to “count your blessings” when you confess that you’re feeling depressed? Or perhaps a well-meaning friend has suggested that you create a gratitude list when you’re experiencing anxiety. Could practicing gratitude really help with anxiety or depression? Find out the surprising answer below. Can Gratitude Help With Anxiety or Depression? If you're in that terrible place where... 11/20/2023 5:00:00 AM
by Carol Osborne Antioxidants are widely recognized as one of the most important weapons in our battle against pet aging and disease. All the physiological processes in pets and people require oxygen, which provides us with energy. Bi-products of burning oxygen, similar to the sparks given off by a fire, are also produced in your pet's body. These little sparks are commonly known as free radicals, and are the major... 11/19/2023 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Though e associate them with teens, the truth is that many people get pimples throughout their lives. And many others will have breakouts at different points in life or hormonal cycles. No one can avoid them altogether, and some people suffer their wrath worse than others. But what many don't know is that pimples come in different forms, and they can have multiple triggers — here's how to tell the... 11/16/2023 5:00:00 AM
by Fred Fletcher INTRODUCTIONFortunately, there are many resources on the Internet for parents/guardians who want to keep their children safe. You need to familiarize yourself with as many of these resources as possible.Also, connect with organizations and law enforcement agencies addressing Internet safety issues. Having said that, it’s up to you to prepare young people for the many potential dangers lurking on Cyberspace.This... 11/15/2023 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Doctors and non-medical experts alike have debated over the details for decades, with some researchers even fighting over whether it’s an actual syndrome. No matter how it's defined, or whether it's believable to some or not, it's evident that chemical sensitivity makes modern life incredibly challenging. We have the details on what it is, what it does and what you can do about it.People with chemical... 11/10/2023 5:00:00 AM
by Karman Meyer We’ve all experienced those terrible nights of restless sleep or feeling wide awake at 2am with every single thought running through our mind. With nearly 60 million Americans reporting poor sleep quality, you certainly aren’t alone.There’s no shortage of advice on what to do for better sleep and sleep medications are a common treatment for those experiencing insomnia. In 2020, 6.3% of adults took... 11/9/2023 5:00:00 AM
by Megan Johnson McCullough Cloudy, blurry vision might mean you have cataracts. Cataracts are the result of protein building up in the eye that blocks clear vision. Light is not able to pass clearly to the eye like it used to. This condition is much more common in older adults, especially those over age 60. There are 4 types:Congenital cataracts occurs when a baby is actually born with cataracts. They might also form in early... 11/4/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Dr Rosana Marzullo-Dove, PsyD Anxiety comes from our fight/flight/freeze/faint system. This system is useful, even vital, for when we are in situations where we perceive there is danger; it is also known as our "Sympathetic Nervous System." Imagine the necessity of such a survival system (survival "instinct") at the beginning of mankind, when we needed to go out and hunt (and survive while doing so) every day in order to eat. There... 11/3/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor We have an intimate connection with this world, and some of the most essential ties binding us together are the microbes that reside in and around us. We may take for granted how vital their proper balance can be to our health because too often we dismiss them as "gross" and try not to think about it. But many of us who suffer from undiagnosed chronic inflammatory conditions may be suffering from the... 11/2/2023 4:00:00 AM
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